Workshops & Events



Wellness Classes with me at Hotel J in Stockholms archipelago.

10.30-11.30 Pilates
12.00-13.00 Sound + Reiki


We start with a check-in and warm-up, continue with movements that increase in intensity and finish with a shorter rest in savasana (lying down) - for integration and relaxation. Pilates is an effective form of exercise that strengthens the body from the inside out. Focusing on the deep abdominal muscles, back and glutes will enhance your strength and flexibility flexible. The exercises are performed with great emphasis on correct technique, which gives you increased body awareness and control - skills that you can use both in everyday life and in other forms of training. With regular exercise, you will experience increased muscle strength, less stiffness, better posture, a clearer mind, all while reducing stress levels. Pilates is available and suitable for everyone, as Miriam offers alternative exercises and safe adjustments with and without hands on.

Sound + Reiki:

This session combines sound healing and reiki to create a deeply restorative class that supports rest and balance on a physical, mental and emotional level. Sound healing is a method used to calm the mind. Often described as an accessible way of easing into meditative states of mind. 

The first part of the class is 30 min of sound healing, lying down listening to the sound scapes created by singing bowls and chimes. Followed by 30 min of reiki. While staying in deep relaxation, listening to calm music each individual in the group will receive Reiki energy through hand laying’s.

Reiki is a holistic treatment that treats the mind, body and spirit at the same time creating many beneficial effects including relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. During the class you may also experience a warm and tingling feeling when muscles begin to relax and tension releases. A sacred moment for you where time and space can disappear.

I am looking forward to meet you on the mat 🤎

Register by sending the reception a mail through the link below / via BRUCE.

Price for non-bruce members: 250kr

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OSLO: SOUND HEALING | Dyp hvile | 90 min

OSLO: SOUND HEALING | Dyp hvile | 90 min

SOUND HEALING | Dyp hvile med Miriam Morgenstern

Varmt velkommen til et lite pusterom i hverdagen. Miriam guider deg gjennom myke bevegelser, pust og meditasjon før du legger deg ned i en komfortabel posisjon. Her trenger du ikke gjøre noe annet enn å lytte til det behagelige lydlandskapet som Miriam skaper med sine singing bowls og vindspill. Lydbølgene transporterer deg til en mentalt avslappet og meditativ tilstand.

Mange opplever at de nesten er i et drømmeaktig space mellom våkenhet og søvn, der man kan miste følelsen av tid og rom. Frekvensene og vibrasjonene som skapes under sound healing hjelper deg inn i en dyp hvile der nervesystemet og kroppen får muligheten til å hente seg inn.

Alle er velkommen - kom akkurat som du er. Ha gjerne på behagelige klær og ta med en ekstra genser eller varme sokker.

PRIS: 450kr


  • Forbedret søvnkvalitet samt økt tilstedeværelse, fokus og klarhet.

  • Alfa- og Theta-bølger i hjernen øker, og fremmer dyp avslapning og din indre kontakt med deg selv

  • Det frigjøres viktige hormoner, som for eksempel endorfiner, som virker smertelindrende og hjelper med humøret

  • Stress og angst reduseres fordi stresshormonet kortisol senkes og feel-good-hormonet oksytocin øker.

  • Funksjonen til cellene dine stimuleres og revitaliseres, ugunstige bakterier elimineres og immunforsvaret styrkes.

  • Sirkulasjonen i kroppen forbedres, noe som kan føre til redusert smerte og stivhet.

  • Man har også sett en reduksjon av betennelsesmarkører som kan måles i blodet, noe som også kan føre til flere positive effekter for de som lever med betennelser av ulike slag.

“Melodi er hjertets medisin

Rytme er kroppens medisin

Stillhet er sinnets medisin

Harmoni er sjelens medisin"

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SOUND HEALING | Dyp hvile med Miriam Morgenstern

Varmt velkommen til et lite pusterom i hverdagen. Det eneste du behøver er å legge deg ned i en komfortabel posisjon og lytte til et behagelig lydlandskap som Miriam skaper med sine singing bowls og vindspill. Lydbølgene transporterer deg til en mentalt avslappet og meditativ tilstand. Mange opplever at de nesten er i et drømmeaktig space mellom våkenhet og søvn, der man kan miste følelsen av tid og rom.

Frekvensene og vibrasjonene som skapes under sound healing hjelper deg inn i en dyp hvile der nervesystemet og kroppen får muligheten til å hente seg inn. Alle er velkommen - kom akkurat som du er. Ha gjerne på behagelige klær og ta med en ekstra genser eller varme sokker.

PRIS: 300kr


  • Forbedret søvnkvalitet samt økt tilstedeværelse, fokus og klarhet.

  • Alfa- og Theta-bølger i hjernen øker, og fremmer dyp avslapning og din indre kontakt med deg selv

  • Det frigjøres viktige hormoner, som for eksempel endorfiner, som virker smertelindrende og hjelper med humøret

  • Stress og angst reduseres fordi stresshormonet kortisol senkes og feel-good-hormonet oksytocin øker.

  • Funksjonen til cellene dine stimuleres og revitaliseres, ugunstige bakterier elimineres og immunforsvaret styrkes.

  • Sirkulasjonen i kroppen forbedres, noe som kan føre til redusert smerte og stivhet.

  • Man har også sett en reduksjon av betennelsesmarkører som kan måles i blodet, noe som også kan føre til flere positive effekter for de som lever med betennelser av ulike slag.

“Melodi er hjertets medisin

Rytme er kroppens medisin

Stillhet er sinnets medisin

Harmoni er sjelens medisin"

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PILATES FLOW | med Miriam Morgenstern

En intelligent og holistisk måte å trene på, der styrke møter mindfulness. Vi starter med en check-in og oppvarming, fortsetter med bevegelser som øker i intensitet og avslutter med en kortere hvile i savasana (på rygg) - for integrering og avspenning.

Pilates er en effektiv treningsform som styrker kroppen innenfra og ut. Med fokus på de dype magemusklene, rygg og sete vil du føle deg sterkere og mer fleksibel. Øvelsene utføres med stor vekt på riktig teknikk, noe som gir deg økt kroppsbevissthet og kontroll – ferdigheter som du kan bruke både i hverdagen og i andre treningsformer. Med regelmessig trening vil du oppleve økt muskelstyrke, mindre stivhet, bedre holdning, et klarere sinn, samtidig som du reduserer stressnivået. En time som passer for alle, da Miriam tilbyr alternative øvelser og trygge justeringer med og uten hendene på.

PRIS: 300kr

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Welcome the spring with this event

It is with great pleasure I invite you to this special introduction class combining the practices I love the most. Get to know me as a teacher at Yogashakti, the empowerment of movement and the sweet sensation of rest.  This event starts with a Pilates Strong Flow.

A movement practice with low impact created to strengthen you, to allow you to build a rooted foundation and connection to your many muscles. With the aim of helping you to gain more stability in your yoga or everyday practice, as well as flexibility, mobility, body awareness and confidence.

We will explore movement patterns through play and curiosity.

All levels are welcome as this practice offers many adaptations of exercises.

After the movement we move onto the last 30 min of rest & relaxation. A guided yoga nidra lying down blended with a sound bath where Miriam plays different instruments will transport you to a dreamlike state between being awake and sleeping.

Welcome just as you are!

DATE: Thursday 21/3 kl 17.30-19.00

WHERE: Yogashakti, Högbergsgatan 30A STHLM


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Winter Rest — Sound bath at ASTEH

Winter Rest — Sound bath at ASTEH


You are invited to explore three different practices promoting rest, recovery and inviting balance especially tailored to support you during the season of winter. Full event series.

This event will start with a short introduction followed by a 50 minute Sound bath. It’s a simple practice, great to try if you have never meditated. As you cannot do it wrong, and it only requires you to listen while you lie down on your back resting. 

Miriam will play different instruments, crystal singing bowls and chimes to create soundscapes that can inspire deep rest, relaxation, a quiet mind or an expanded awareness. The vibrations emitted from the instruments can ease brain activity into a calm state, and stimulate the vagus nerve and the parasympathetic nervous system. Helping our bodies natural ability to heal and recover. Allowing this pause from our everyday life can also help with managing stress, and open up to a greater listening from within. 

Sound waves have a pleasurable physical massage-like effect on the body as well. The experience has been described as sounds and frequencies washing over your head, torso, arms, legs, and feet. A “sound bath” much like a water bath is something you relax your whole mind and body into.

What's Included:

  • Welcome & short info about the practice

  • 50 minutes of Sound bath

  • Tea & Snacks

  • Exclusive offers on products from Asteh

  • Yogamat / props will be provided

Please bring: 

  • Comfortable clothes & socks to keep you warm. When we rest our temperature can tend to drop slightly.  Since we are lying down during this experience we want you to feel as comfortable as possible.

The Event will be held at Asteh Store, Bondegatan 46, Stockholm.
Time & Date: 11 December 2023 from 17:30 to 18:30.
Language: Swedish

Reserve your spot:
Secure your spot at this event for a price of 333 SEK. If you are unable to attend, please notify us at least 24 hours before the event to avoid fees.

For those eager to participate in case of a full booking, register on our waiting list by emailing

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Winter Rest — Yoga Nidra & self exploring inquiry at ASTEH

Winter Rest — Yoga Nidra & self exploring inquiry at ASTEH


You are invited to explore three different practices promoting rest, recovery and inviting balance especially tailored to support you during the season of winter.  Full event series.

This event starts with a gathering, welcoming and short info about the practice. Miriam will open with an initial relaxation, and then guide you through a 15 min self inquiry through individual writing/journaling. The theme is to explore some of our limiting beliefs - thoughts or patterns that we often repeat which can hold us back from our potential and perceived  wholeness. After that  we will transform one of the beliefs into a positive and potent short statement in present tense, that you will carry with you into the deep rest practice of yoga Nidra.

During the next 60 minutes you will lie down comfortably and Miriam will guide you with her voice to bring your attention to sensations in different bodyparts. Exploring awareness of the breath, emotions, thoughts and visualizations, all while remaining in relaxed awareness. It is a practice you can’t do wrong, and some may even fall asleep at one point which is normal. It is a space to explore your potential, inner world and true nature beyond body and mind.

No previous experience with any practice is needed. Welcome just as you are!

What's Included:

  • Welcoming & short info about the practice

  • 15 min of guided inquiry/journaling on the topic

  • 60 minutes of Yoga Nidra

  • Yogamat / props will be provided

  • Tea & Snacks

  • Exclusive offers on products from Asteh

Please bring:

  • Comfortable clothes & socks to keep you warm. When we rest our temperature can tend to drop slightly. Since we are lying down during this experience we want you to feel as comfortable as possible.

  • Your journal, an empty paged book or paper + a pen.

The Event will be held at Asteh Store, Bondegatan 46, Stockholm.
Time & Date: 21 January 2023 from 10:00 to 11:30.
Language: Swedish

Reserve your spot:
Secure your spot at this event for a price of 444 SEK. If you are unable to attend, please notify us at least 24 hours before the event to avoid fees.

For those eager to participate in case of a full booking, register on our waiting list by emailing

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Winter Rest — Group Reiki & aromatheraphy at ASTEH

Winter Rest — Group Reiki & aromatheraphy at ASTEH


You are invited to explore three different practices promoting rest, recovery and inviting balance especially tailored to support you during the season of winter.  Full event series.

This event will start with a 10 minute sitting meditation guided by Miriam. You will transition to lie down on your individual mat, while staying in that meditative state. Relaxing music will be played while each individual in the group will receive the reiki energy through hand layings by Miriam. This can for example be that she places her hands on your knees and ankles. You may experience warmth, tingeling or pulsating sensations. Many describe feeling deep relaxation, peace and serenity. Some describe reiki as a sacred moment where time and space disappears. Each experience is as unique as you and it can also change from time to time. 

Reiki is an ancient form of energy medicine with roots in Japan. It works to soothe and balance your physical, mental, emotional and energy bodies while stimulating deep relaxation, rejuvenation and your body’s own natural ability to heal and recover. It is a subtle but powerful method, that much like Chinese acupuncture works on different pathways called meridians in your body to balance your life force energy (Ki/Qi). Since Reiki involves physical touch it can also activate our feel-good hormones oxytocin and dopamine. 

Throughout the whole event a diffuser with Miriams favourite blend of high quality essential oils will support your relaxation. Essential oils have been used therapeutically for centuries and are through recent studies proven to affect our mood, cognitive function and overall wellbeing.

No previous experience with any practice is needed. Welcome just as you are!

What's Included:

  • Welcome & short info about the practice

  • Guided heart meditation

  • 45 min of Group Reiki

  • Aromatherapy with a special blend of essential oils 

  • Yogamat / props will be provided

  • Tea & Snacks

  • Exclusive offers on products from Asteh

Please bring: 

  • Comfortable clothes & socks to keep you warm. When we rest our temperature can tend to drop slightly. Since we are lying down during this experience we want you to feel as comfortable as possible.

The Event will be held at Asteh Store, Bondegatan 46, Stockholm.
Time & Date: 18 December 2023 from 10:30 to 11:30.
Language: Swedish

Reserve your spot:
Secure your spot at this event for a price of 333 SEK. If you are unable to attend, please notify us at least 24 hours before the event to avoid fees.

For those eager to participate in case of a full booking, register on our waiting list by emailing


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This event starts with a 1 hour Pilates class followed by a 30 min Sound bath. A beautiful mix to caretake you as a whole. Flows of exercises will challenge your physical strength, connect you to the pleasure of movement and deliver results. Miriam works with a hands on approach to give you individual adjustments and guidance while you are in a group setting to provide a safe and effective class.

After the workout, we ease into the restorative sound bath. A non sleep deep rest practice, where you lie on your back and listen to different instruments being played. You may experience your inner landscapes softening, your body relaxing and awareness shifting into a daydream like state, where you can connect to your core being. 

Only 9 spots available

Investment: 375kr

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This event starts with a 1 hour Pilates class followed by a 30 min Sound bath. A beautiful mix to caretake you as a whole. Flows of exercises will challenge your physical strength, connect you to the pleasure of movement and deliver results.

After the workout, we ease into the restorative sound bath. A non sleep deep rest practice, where you lie on your back and listen to different instruments being played. You may experience your inner landscapes softening, your body relaxing and awareness shifting into a daydream like state, where you can connect to your core being.

Only 9 spots available 🐚

Investment: 375kr

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"Summer Soul" Karlhamns Yoga Festival

"Summer Soul" Karlhamns Yoga Festival

I am a part of "Summer Soul" this year, a yoga festival created by Ulrica Forrest at Pure Yoga Sweden. Something you don't wanna miss out on if you are in the South of Sweden the first Saturday in June.

There will be classes in their beautiful Shala, in the medows and workshops at the creators tent simultaneously. So you can pick and choose festival style and get a taste of many different teachers and classes during the day.

As a guest teacher I will be holding a Garuda class & a Creative Manifestation Workshop. Magic tends to happen when we come together to share our love for movement, the joy of seeking and gratitude for being in a community. Join me and the other fantastic teachers for a day you will won't forget.

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Womens circle

Womens circle

Founder of AYÄM studio Julia and I are holding a woman's circle together. 

The theme will be "LOVING BOUNDARIES"

We will be reflecting upon how we can support ourselves and the people around us by creating clear and therefore loving boundaries in life with family, friends and at work. 

​Diving into the spiritual act of saying no, why we are saying yes when we want to say no, and how our intuition or gut feeling can play an important role in this. Bring your sisters, friends and family members, all women are welcome to our Sunday gathering. We will meditate, journal, share and end the circle with sound healing combined with Reiki.

 It’ll be a magical day, sisters we can’t wait to meet you!

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Womens circle

Womens circle

Founder of AYÄM studio and I are holding a womens circle together. 

A womens circle is a safe space for women to gather, where we get to see and be seen, where we get to listen and be heard. 

We work with different themes, we release that no longer serves us and speak out loud what we wish to call in. 

There is something magical that happens when women come toghether!

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Self Care Saturday

Self Care Saturday

Self care Saturday: “Relax & Restore” 26/2 with Josephine Tagesson & Miriam Morgenstern

We invite you to a soft February workshop focusing on releasing tension, recharging and letting go. 

 60 min Yin Yoga and meditation with Josephine 

60 min Sound healing with Miriam 

Yin Yoga: 

This is a soft and slow type of yoga where we aim to go inwards. We focus on releasing tension and stress, dissolving blockages and letting go. A moment where you can just melt and land in your body. 


Sound healing: 

Let the Crystal and Tibetan singing bowls transport you to a magical place of deep relaxation where you can allow yourself to heal physically, mentally and emotionally.

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Self Care Sunday

Self Care Sunday

Self care Sunday: Body, Mind & Soul 

Join us, Josephine and Miriam for a workshop of movement and sound.


A workshop where we first start by getting in contact with our body, strengthening it through a 50 min Pilates session followed by a 1h Sound Healing session combined with group Reiki, where we allow the body to soften and the heart to open. 

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